Fun Science Facts for Kids

Fun animal facts for kidsAnimal Facts

Enjoy our wide range of fun animal facts for kids. Children will love reading the crazy, cool, strange, weird, odd and funny information as well as did you know facts and other interesting animal info that will help them learn a thing or two along the way. Learning about animals is great fun. Whether it’s endangered African animals, sea animals, wild animals or pets, there are so many amazing types of animals that each have their own characteristics and behaviors. Living in all parts of the world, these animals include cats, dogs, insects, birds, sharks, gorillas, frogs, cheetahs, giraffes, elephants, horses, sharks and many more.

Science for Kids


Dogs are popular animals which make for great family pets as well as reliable workers. Enjoy these great dog facts which help explain why dogs are so special.

Dog facts


If you like cats then you’ll love our range of cat facts that will teach you interesting information about their sleeping habits, hunting techniques, powerful senses and much more.

Cat facts


Tigers are the largest members of the cat family. They are the national animals of many countries but a number of tiger subspecies are endangered because of human activity.

Tiger facts


We’ve all had nightmares about a great white shark attack like that in ‘Jaws’ but that’s just one of many different types of shark species that swim through our oceans.

Shark facts


Dolphins are intelligent animals that display a wide range of unique behaviors. Learn about their playful attitude, how they communicate with each other and much more.

Dolphin facts


Lions are powerful and ferocious but did you know that female lions do most of the hunting? Enjoy lots more interesting lion information with these fun facts.

Lion facts


Gorillas are imposing beasts that live in tropical and subtropical forests. Being a close relative to the human race they are intelligent animals with a complex social structure.

Gorilla facts


Frogs begin life as tadpoles before they develop into a fully grown frog. Find out why they need to live near water and more cool frog facts.

Frog facts


Faster than any other land animal in the world, cheetahs are unique big cats that love to live life in the fast lane. Follow the link for some fascinating cheetah facts.

Cheetah facts


Giraffe’s are easy to spot thanks to their height and unique necks. Find out what else makes these safari favorites special.

Giraffe facts


Elephants are amazing animals that impress with more than just their size. Learn where elephants live in the wild, what they eat and other great elephant facts.

Elephant facts


A member of the cat family, leopards are born to hunt. They have powerful bodies and other physical attributes which help them find food and survive in the wild.

Leopard facts


There are many different species of whales and they are well known for their incredible size and long migration patterns. Follow the link to read a range of amazing whale facts.

Whale facts


Wolves live and hunt in packs, learning to survive in the wild from an early age. Find out how they hunt, what their pups are like and other interesting wolf facts.

Wolf facts




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